At Dr Gaikwad Clinic Ayurvediya Super Speciality Panchakarma & Acupuncture Centre We provide Acupuncture treatment For Paralysis . We have Treated Hundreds of Patients Suffering from paralysis till date .
According to traditional Chinese medicine, peripheral neuropathy happens when theres a blockage of energy (called qi) and blood in the body. If qi and blood dont flow freely, our cells and tissues dont receive the nourishment they need.
Acupuncture is really good at restoring blood flow and stimulating the bodys nerve pathways, Kulas says. It can also help with nerve regeneration and preservation. If there has been nerve damage or diminished sensation, we target treatment in these areas to re-stimulate those nerve fibers.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, peripheral neuropathy happens when theres a blockage of energy (called qi) and blood in the body. If qi and blood dont flow freely, our cells and tissues dont receive the nourishment they need.
Acupuncture is really good at restoring blood flow and stimulating the bodys nerve pathways, Kulas says. It can also help with nerve regeneration and preservation. If there has been nerve damage or diminished sensation, we target treatment in these areas to re-stimulate those nerve fibers.
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths.Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment
Acupuncture for stroke recovery may help patients improve mobility — even if they struggle with paralysis.
An acupuncurist will insert needles into a person’s body with the aim of balancing their energy.
This, it is claimed, can help boost wellbeing and may cure some illnesses like Paralysis
Electroacupuncture is a treatment where electrical stimulation is applied to the acupuncture needles after they are inserted into the body.
Electrical stimulation (the non-acupuncture kind) is widely accepted as an effective stroke rehabilitation method that helps patients recover movement. Normally, electrical currents are applied to the affected muscles via pads applied to the skin to stimulate movemen
Here are some other evidence-based benefits of acupuncture and electroacupuncture for stroke recovery:
Spasticity improves. Electroacupuncture was found to reduce spasticity when combined with conventional routine care. This aligns with the well-understood principle that electrical stimulation for stroke patients is more effective when combined with physical or occupational therapy.
Swallowing abilities improve. Difficulty swallowing is a condition known as dysphagia. Acupuncture was found to help improve swallowing abilities in patients with dysphagia.
Balance improves. Acupuncture was found to help improve balance and reduce the risk of falling in stroke patients.
Muscle strength improves.
Electroacupuncture was found to improve leg strength when applied 5x/week for 2 weeks.
Post-stroke paralysis may improve. In a recent study, acupuncture was found effective for the treatment of post-stroke paralysis.
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